EasyTalent Two-way
Video Interviews

Deliver an outstanding interview experience to your candidates.


Scheduling Two-way Interviews

EasyTalent Interview Scheduling Software

solves the most frustrating pain point of coordinating meeting times

Removes recruiters as middlemen by providing candidates with self-service platform to schedule interviews as per their convenience thereby increasing Candidate Experience. Interviewing Team’s availability and Time zones are automatically considered - preventing headaches, frustration and missed meetings

saddule-left Hiring team Calendar Synch

[Coordinating both candidates’ and the interview team’s busy schedules is a universal pain point for recruiters]

candidates-right Candidate Self-scheduling
  • Can synch with team’s Office365, Outlook & Gmail calendars
  • Offers unified view into open time slots
  • Team can input when they will not be available for interviews

To synchronize meetings between hiring team & candidate, recruiter typically has to exchange mails & phone calls over days & weeks

Increases Time-to-Hire

Lowers Candidate Experience

May lose candidate to competitor or another offer

  • Candidates can look 15 days ahead at available meeting slots and set a schedule that works for them
  • This gives them greater flexibility
  • This can significantly increase Candidate Experience

79% of organizations use interview scheduling technology

56% say this technology is essential

EasyTalent Structured Interviews


Unstructured interviews

are the traditional form of interviews, where typically the interviewer may ask different questions to different candidates; and the candidates are scored based on the interviewer’s interpretation of their answer, which is often founded on their intuition and unconscious biases. Also, because there are no guidelines, the interviewer may unknowingly ask illegal questions that can pose litigation risks in some geographies. On the whole, the more unstructured the interview, the less effective it is.


Semi-structured interviews

are those in which the interviewers prepare a list of questions from which they choose a few randomly on the spot to ask candidates being interviewed. These are better than the traditional unstructured approach.


Structured interview

is a systematic approach to interviewing where the interviewer asks the same predetermined questions to all candidates in the same order and rates them with a standardized scoring system. This allows for greater objectivity in selecting the right candidates and is almost twice as effective as the unstructured interview.

EasyTalent allows you to create structured two-way video interviews

In EasyTalent you can select a set of questions from its question bank, which are relevant to the job-related traits you are looking for. These questions are visible to the interviewer on their screen during the two-way interview, and can guide them to ask the same questions to all candidates in a specific order and score them with a predetermined rating scale.


EasyTalent – Screen Sharing

Screen sharing is one of the easiest and powerful way for collaboration anywhere at any time. Users can share a live video feed of what is happening on their computer’s screen, with others.

EasyTalent’s screen sharing feature adds an entirely new element to two-way video interviews. Screen sharing lets you take your two-way video interviews beyond just seeing your candidates’ webcam feed; it opens up a more interactive interview experience between the interviewer and candidate.


With just a click, candidates can share their screen, and this opens up potent ways to test their presentation and analytical skills during the interview. For example, with screen sharing feature of EasyTalent, the interviewer can ask candidates to present a PowerPoint or take them through an Excel spreadsheet analysis, or walk them through a case study documet. The candidates can control their presentation on their own desktop with screen sharing.

EasyTalent also allows the interviewer to share their own desktop with the candidate, which is a useful feature. It could, for example, enable them to show the candidate a video or a document and ask questions on the same.

EasyTalent automatically records the entire screen sharing session, and it is available for playback. With this feature, you can simultaneously review the recording of the candidate’s two-way video interview, and also evaluate the candidate’s presentation skills displayed during the screen sharing.


EasyTalent automates candidate’s progress across multiple rounds of two-way interviews

For some jobs, recruiters may need to put candidates through multiple rounds of two-way interviews with each round of interview being conducted by a different manager. For example, a candidate may go through a preliminary round of interview with a junior manager, and if found OK, move up to the next round of interview with a senior manager.

Scheduling interview-dates that are mutually acceptable to both candidates and different interviewing managers through multiple rounds of interviews can become a major pain point for the Recruiter.

EasyTalent automatically schedules two-way interviews between candidates and interviewing managers through multiple rounds. The candidate moves from one round to the next with no intervention of the recruiter at all. EasyTalent will automatically schedule the next round of interview only if the interviewer in the current round specifies that the candidate is OK to proceed to the next round.
